Apple Vision Pro - Reviewing the Reviews

Hello, all technology lovers! Today, I take you on a ride through my lens of the latest and most probably ambitious creation from the home of Apple - the Apple Vision Pro. Now, I must mention here that I have not been fortunate enough to have one such device in my hands so please do not ask whether I possess one of these futuristic ideas. Rather, I have gone through the internet, looking when possible at what the very best tech reviewers are saying about this 3D camera and spatial computer. So let's get started.

Imagine owning a device that can capture 3D-spatial photos and videos on top of digital content that is nicely fitted into your physical space. That is exactly what the Apple Vision Pro does. After all, it's being hailed as the most ambitious product Apple has ever put forward – with eyes, hands, and voice navigational. No surprises there, given an ultra-high-resolution display system packing 23 million pixels across two displays – it's nothing short of a game-changer.

The Good

Reviewers are all abuzz with its innovative characteristics. From eye-, hand-tracking interfaces, to remarkable spatial video and photo capabilities, the Vision Pro looks like a giant leap forward. Scott Stein from CNET called it "a stunning look at the future," with good reason - seemingly perfectly augmenting real and virtual worlds. Nilay Patel from The Verge echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the displays as "A giant leap forward in display technology."

The Vision Pro is a gamechanger and the dubbed "jaw-dropping 3D movies" by Tom's Guide combined with its seamless integration with MacBooks shows just how majestic in everyday practice it could be. It is not technology-it is an experience.

The Bad

But not everything is so rosy, of course. Vision Pro is a subject of quite some criticism. In the first place, it's the price - starting at as much as $3499 with potential heights of about $4600 with further accessories and add-ons. That's a steep hill to the average consumer. And it’s not even available outside the US.

Then there's the battery life. A few reviewers noted that performance can dip in some situation - like when the battery's low or chemically age. And let's not busy ourselves around comfort. The device is named top-heavy, rather uncomfortable after a half an hour of using. And that's kind of disappointing to them who were visualizing the long hours of immersion into the digital-physical hybrid world.

Not just that, but it looks like the Persona that I was mainly excited about, never needing to actually look awake for those early morning meetings, isn’t something that looks too convincing or even good. It also looks like if you have a longer moustache, it can interfere with the cameras, making your mouth stay still even if you’re talking. I’ll just pop in some of the Personas I’ve seen so far and you can make your own decision. LeakerApple on X made this awesome comparison:

Reviewer Roundup

Overall all, it seems that the display and visual experience of the Vision Pro was nothing short of revolutionary. Many reviewers mentioned at how seamlessly able the headset was to merge the physical world with the digital one. However, there are some compromises such as the messy hair aftermath after having the device on, as pointed out by The Verge.

The standout feature is a new eye and hand-tracking interface that marks a new form of communications with our tech. Such innovative moves remind that Apple is still a giant in the tech world.

The design might be futuristic, but clearly, the comfort factor has been thrown out of the window to some extent. The top-heavy design resulting in discomfort brings into question whether these can practically be used for long periods.

A hiccup in performance occurred in devices relating to battery life. It is, therefore, a reminder that despite advanced technological features put into these products, they all cannot be perfect.

However, the pre-order numbers would indicate that there is a market ready to consume the Vision Pro despite the high asking price. VFM of course is another important consideration.

The Apple Vision Pro is both revolutionary and practical in many ways. Instead, this is a glimpse into the future of how we may interact with technology, blending our physical and digital worlds in ways we have only dreamed. But the high cost, issues surrounding comfort, and battery life performance all sit as road blocks that can't be ignored.

Buyers would still have to weigh those practical downsides, of course. For me, I'm just excited about where this technology will go and how it will further be developed so that everyone can get more benefits from it. Will it be the future must-have gadget or just a stepping stone before something bigger? Time will show. For now, at least, it remains a fascinating peek into the technology's future, if one with many caveats.

Here’s hoping for a Vision Air or something that people can afford.


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